Hello, and Welcome

The life and times of a not so average... okay... you got me... Totally average 20 something year old.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Phones.... And prankers...

So I work in a call center over night that takes incoming calls for several different ministries.  I'm not currently 100% sure on my beliefs when it comes to religion.  I have believed in a deity for some time now, and honestly I feel like working for ministries is crushing my soul.  There are so many terrible people out there trying to take advantage of good, honest people and it makes me sad.  One of the ministries I work for tells people that if they don't call in and donate money that God won't bless them.  That is terrible!  I mean, who are these people that they think they have the right to speak on behalf of the Almighty?  I realize it's generally understood that God speaks through the Pope.  And we hope that God was guiding the words and thoughts of the people who put the Bible down on paper.  But I feel like these ministries are going too far!  They prey on desperate people in need of a miracle telling them it's just a phone call... and $1000 away.  That if these people who literally don't have money to keep their lights on, give money to these ministries that God will bless them and they will never have to worry about finances again.  It's terrible. Some nights I really feel myself wanting to cry with the people calling in and tell them that all they need is to have faith... or there are people who can help them, people like social services,  REAL churches.  Not scam artists. 
The only thing that really makes the job worth while is the prank callers and the irate callers.  These are the people who take a stand against what this ministry does.  It is the highlight of my day when I get a phone call from someone telling me that the whole ministry is going to Hell in a hand basket because of what they are doing.  And you know what, sometimes I just want to tell them that I think they're right.  Sometimes the prank calls go a little far, i.e. the man who calls and asks if we're idiots worshiping the God that raped the virgin Mary... but I get what you're doing.  I understand.  And while it is annoying to be called an idiot 20 times a night by the same person... I still applaud you.  Thank you for having a brain and being honest.  And thank you for seeing this ministry for what it really is.  One BIG Scam.  Because while I know that they have several outreaches... they're not serving the people who are actually watching them.  And if that's not the purpose of a ministry I don't  know what is. 

Look.  If you happen to stumble across this blog, and you're in a financial straight of some sort... Don't turn to giving money away that you honestly don't have.  Don't put yourself into further debt because you're praying for a miracle... Because if God just so happens to drop $1000 into your lap out of thin air, I'm pretty sure that he wants you to keep your heat on and put food in your families bellies.  But if you find this and that's where you're at... Check out these sites.  There are people here who are the real angels, and the real miracles that I think God probably intended for you to find.  After all, if we are assuming that there is a God, and you've found this blog, Maybe that's the miracle you've been looking for. 

Until next time... Peace everyone.  Love and respect one another for the unique and beautiful individuals that we all are.  God Bless.

This site has been featured in several well known papers and magazines nation wide and they specialize in helping people with credit card debt and other things.  They have a toll free number and have an A+ rating from the BBB (Better Business Bureau).

This site is like the previous one, mentioned in several national papers and magazines as well as on many national talk shows.  Accredited by the BBB and have a A Rating.  They are also available 24/7, and have an easily navigate-able website. 

This is the National Head Start Association.  They are one of the most well known groups who help lower income families take care of children.

This site is specific to energy assistance.  They help families pay bills such as heating.  They are a federal organization.

This site is another national site.  They help with more of the general things, and help you find the right program. 

This is a BBB Accredited charity, and they have a ton of space dedicated to letting you know that this charity really kicks ass!  They have several locations all around the country and use 98% of all donations to go directly to, as the name would suggest, feeding America.

This site has all kinds of stuff, from food stamps to affordable health insurance. 

Also, don't forget that there are tons of free clinics all over the country, so there is no reason the due without health care.  And these are only some of the sites... There are TONS more.  Just keep looking.

Watch out for : Freedom Debt Relief, they only have a C+ from the BBB and are not accredited. They also have 246 complaints, many of which are being investigated.
Also, if you're wondering whether the company you're looking at is a good one or night, the BBB is in charge of making sure that people are not getting scammed and making sure that businesses are doing what they say they are.  This site is an easily navigated site that will give you a quick grade of the company, tell you whether they're accredited or not.  If the BBB doesn't know who it is... stay away from it. 

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